

Call now and win!

ALFA LIFT Elevators is celebrating 40 years of success and invites you to celebrate with it with a great gift for its new customers.
The first 40 people who call 210 7751371 and choose our company for the annual maintenance of their elevator will receive as a gift from us, the maintenance of their elevator for the first two months.

Enter the world of ALFA LIFT and discover why thousands of people every day in N. Attica, but also in the rest of the Greek territory, they choose us. Call now and catch this unique offer.


Elevators AlfaLift - Offer on all our
Elevators AlfaLift – Offer on all our

The offer is valid from 1/12/14 until 31/1/2015 and only for the first 40 to call. It will be strictly on a first come, first served basis.

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